UVM Phasing

Today I’m going to share something which is so common to almost every concept of UVM. In other way, we can say that this concept is the backbone of the UVM Verification Methodology. This is related to the process which deals from the starting of the simulation till end of the simulation. So in this […]

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Create() Vs new()

The recommended method in UVM for creating components or transaction objects is to use the built-in method::type_id::create() instead of calling the constructor new() directly. The create method internally makes a call to the factory to look up the requested type and then calls the constructor new() to actually create an object. This allows type overriding […]

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Concept of UVM Factory

Factory stimulates everyone’s imagination to fall down on industrial settings and mechanical setup of machineries & processing units with products getting made and packaged before running on the transport rail & to be delivered to the warehouses. Hence the word “Factory” makes us curious to know about this jargon in Verification Methodology Context i.e. UVM. […]

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