Callbacks Vs Factory

Callbacks and factory both addresses different areas of reusability in UVM. Callback:  Add functionality to existing logic. Suitable for rare or minimal feature need to be enhanced in focus Popular for error injection/to corrupt the sequence from VIP. Easy to maintain callbacks Factory:  It used to substitute the existing component before build, keeps environment same. […]

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How UVM Callback works?

Callback mechanism is used for altering the behavior of the transactor/BFM without modifying the existing BFM/transactor. Callback gives flexibility to plug-and-play and reuse the components i.e. driver, monitor etc..  Sometimes requirements are often unpredictable when the BFM/transactor is first written. So a transactor should provide some kind of hooks for executing the code which is […]

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uvm_config_db and uvm_resource_db

uvm_resource_db: uvm_resource_db is base class and uvm_config_db is extended from uvm_resource_db. Using the resource_db requires that the scope (arbitrary string) for the set and get a match. For trivial environments, this isn’t difficult. However, for complex environments, including IP from different sources, it’s more difficult to manage. That, along with some other non-intuitive behaviors of […]

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UVM TLM Concepts:

Introduction: It is necessary to manage most of the verification tasks, such as generating stimulus and collecting coverage data, at the transaction level, which is the natural way of verification engineers tend to think of the activity of a system. UVM provides a set of transaction-level communication interfaces and channels that you can use to […]

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Raise/Drop objection Automatically with UVM

Variable uvm_sequence_base::starting_phase is deprecated and replaced by two new methods set_starting_phase and get_starting_phase, which prevent starting_phase from being modified in the middle of a phase. This change is not backward-compatible with UVM 1.1, though variable starting_phase, although deprecated, has not yet been removed from the base class library. New method uvm_sequence_base::set_automatic_phase_objection causes raise_objection and drop_objection […]

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