From RTL to Reality: Unlocking the Secrets of Hardik’s Design Verification Odyssey

In the ever-evolving world of chip design, where circuits dance with logic and transistors tango with electrons, stands a breed of unsung heroes: the ASIC verification engineers. These digital detectives, armed with their arsenal of tests, hunt down bugs with the zeal of Indiana Jones and the precision of a Swiss watchmaker. Today, we delve […]

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Decoding the Art of Handling Clock Signals: Multiplication over Division

In the realm of digital design, clock signals play a pivotal role in synchronizing the operations of various components. While clock division is a common approach for generating clock signals with different frequencies, an alternative method involves using a multiplied version of the reference clock. This blog post delves into the intricacies of handling clock […]

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Formal Verification vs Functional Verification: A Tale of Two Approaches

Formal verification and functional verification are two complementary approaches to ASIC verification. Formal verification uses mathematical methods to prove that a design meets its specifications, while functional verification uses simulations to test the design against a variety of scenarios. Formal verification is more rigorous and can find bugs that functional verification may miss, but it […]

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Unveiling the Masterpiece: The Art of Crafting an Unbeatable Verification Plan

As an experienced ASIC verification engineer, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of a thorough verification plan. A well-crafted verification plan can help to ensure that your design is bug-free and ready for production, while a poorly-crafted plan can lead to missed deadlines, costly rework, and even product recalls. In this blog post, I’ll discuss the […]

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